a word a day
This week's theme: lesser-known counterparts of common words.
dystopia (dis-TO-pee-uh) noun
An imaginary place where everything is very bad, as from oppression,
disease, deprivation, etc.
[From Greek dys- (bad) + utopia (an ideal place). Modeled after Utopia,
an imaginary island described in Sir Thomas More's 1516 book Utopia as
a place enjoying a perfect system in law, politics, etc. The word utopia
is from Greek ou (not) + topos (place).]
dystopia (dis-TO-pee-uh) noun
An imaginary place where everything is very bad, as from oppression,
disease, deprivation, etc.
[From Greek dys- (bad) + utopia (an ideal place). Modeled after Utopia,
an imaginary island described in Sir Thomas More's 1516 book Utopia as
a place enjoying a perfect system in law, politics, etc. The word utopia
is from Greek ou (not) + topos (place).]